Patient Classes

Our Patient Classes

  • Mums & Bubs Classes

    Run by our passionate physiotherapists, these classes promote a safe and targeted return to fitness for new mothers. The postnatal classes have a focus on nurturing and bonding with your baby in a social group setting.

  • Beautiful Bumps Class

    A safe, fun and social way for you to exercise with other expectant mothers.

    It is an excellent way to keep yourself fit and healthy during pregnancy and can help prevent or minimise many of the common discomforts experienced.

  • Pelvic Floor Class | Rebalance & Relaxation

    A class for those with persistent pelvic pain, endometriosis, overactive pelvic floor or other ongoing pelvic discomfort.

  • Pelvic Floor Bootcamp

    Guided by our physiotherapists this class aims to strengthen your pelvic floor. This can help with prolapse & incontinence